What does it mean to Play Bigger and Beautiful?
Unlocking your hidden potential and relishing the journey of continuously connecting to your heart, soul, spirit or essence through the avenue of your spiritually fuelled creative or wellness business.
Why Play Bigger and Beautiful?
To express the genius, wisdom and authenticity that lives within each of us so that as a woman in business, you can create more time, energy, money and wisdom. You do this because you know your business is an expression of the love and care you hold in your heart for yourself and others so that you can impact and serve in a profoundly positive way.
When to Play Bigger and Beautiful?
When you become aware of that feeling in the pit of your stomach, the smile on your face or the longing in your heart to move forward. And when you want to connect the emotional and spiritual fulfilment you have cultivated after years on the path with the outer success that you know you truly deserve!
Who can Play Bigger and Beautiful?
Any woman in business who has the drive to succeed knowing that it is her birthright to do so. You have likely spent years in your spiritually aligned therapy or creative business but have plateaued or momentarily lost the spark. You have watched countless videos about business and perhaps have even hired a traditional business coach who left you feeling misunderstood and penniless. You are now ready to earn more, be more and express more of yourself in the world.
How can you begin the Playing Bigger and Playing Beautiful journey?
Email me for a 15 min discovery call or find out about my coaching model of emotional self-inquiry known as The 6 Selves™, my group sessions which include the Monday Meditation & Prioritisation, Wednesday Wellness Meditation & Habit Formation and The Possibility Mastermind by clicking here.