How do you string together the pieces of a professional life that appear so disconnected?

How do you shift from years of ambivalence and fear in your personal and professional life to ever growing success and inspiration?

Vanessa Thomas
Author, Speaker, Director at Synkd
Graphic Design (Melbourne, Australia)
How do you discover business success when your heart and soul are broken?
Vanessa was overwhelmed by the pandemic and the thought of losing her 10 year graphic design studio. Exhausted emotionally and in her words ‘spiritually broken’ she was seeking a solution that was going to create a shift in her business and in her life.
Vanessa first began attending my meditation classes and fell in love with the unique approach that encompasses a multitude of modalities. She then signed up to my 12-week online course based on my Amazon book ‘Ignite Your Joy- How to Invite More Love, Purpose & Profit into Your Life’. She was blown away by the simple yet profound shifts that were taking place. Soon after, I launched my exclusive women’s in business 12-month course ‘The Possibility’ and Vanessa was one of the first to sign up. She has since moved on to her second year after gaining so much value.
Client Feedback
Without hesitation I have signed for my second year! Debbie is exceptional. I have been on a personal development and spiritual path for many years but struggled to find a business mentor who really ‘got me’.
My search ended once I met Debbie. She single handedly:
- Supported me emotionally and mentally during over 100 days of lock down (I thought I would have to close my 10-year graphic design business!)
- Launched my author career
- Assisted me in signing my first international client
- Helped me to build my team
- Helped me to upskill and add new service offerings
- Assisted me in creating packages (so I work less and earn more)
- Grew my speaking career which skyrocketed my confidence
- Helped me fall in love with self –care so I enjoy the wins and my precious family time
Debbie is not only spiritually gifted big time but she has the business acumen to back it up.

Amanda Dickie
Speaker, Author, Teacher &
Cranial Sacral Therapist (Melbourne, Australia)
How do you earn money when you are literally terrified to receive it?
Amanda was in love with her role as therapist but was hiding behind a veil of fear when it came to business and finances. Years of giving and nurturing others had always warmed her heart but she found herself at a crossroads. How could she keep giving without the financial return she longed for? How could she finally dissolve the fear of receiving while maintaining high levels of integrity and client care?
Amanda began to attend my heart centred networking and soon became a regular and a guest speaker. Up until that point she had viewed business and spirituality as mutually exclusive. Intrigued she signed up for 2 of my 1-1 sessions. Tears were shed, fears were shed and a new Amanda began to be revealed. I created an exclusive 6month package for Amanda that would see her becoming a first time author and launching a brand new website that reflected her new direction. Amanda is a regular at my classes and is such a fan that she volunteers at my events.
Client Feedback
Debbie is truly one of a kind. She is a healer, a nurturer and a beautiful human in every sense. Her ability to track your energy, feel the true essence of your heart and speak directly to your soul is deeply transformative. I was not looking for a mentor or coach when I met Debbie but I am so immensely grateful I signed up. She has quite literally changed my life. I call her my ‘quantum leap coach’
In our time together this is what occurred:
I became a first time author
Began teaching after a long hiatus
Finally healed my money wounds so I can receive (huge massive shift!)
Shifted to packages so I can serve my clients at a deeper level
Learnt to trust the cyclical process that comes with business
I love that her approach is from the heart and from the bigger picture and a spiritual context. It really makes such a difference for me. SO much gratitude dear Debbie.

Dea Huvonen
Heart Centred Sales & Marketing Expert (Queensland, Australia)
How do you string together the pieces of a professional life that appear so disconnected?
Dea was outwardly successful but inwardly felt overwhelmed and lost. Like many women, she was putting on a brave face. She was not at all seeking help as she was always the sweet and kind one helping others. Although she loves the marketing and sales work that she does, she felt a longing to create something of her own.
As the pandemic broke, Dea was feeling more and more isolated. Immediately she signed up to my 12week program and felt so much love and support. Upon completion it became apparent that Dea was ready to satisfy that deeper, longing part held within. A lot of fear surfaced about what lay ahead on the transformational journey but also so much excitement at the possibilities! Without hesitation Dea signed up to my 12mth immersion program ‘The Possibility of Something Even More Beautiful’. She continues to be a loving support to everyone she knows only now she includes herself in that space too. The inner and outer shifts are clear and continue to occur on deeper and more profound levels of awareness.
Client Feedback
Debbie is a coach like no other. She will guide and support you in your business journey in a deep and personal level that is full of kindness and compassion. With her, you will become resilient and have inner strength to take on any life’s challenges.
Under Debbie’s loving and yet firm guidance I have managed to accomplish so much more than I could have ever done on my own. In just short 5 months I have:
Released deeply ingrained money blocks and many other self-limiting beliefs that stop us from reaching even higher levels of success
Recognized the gifts, skills and training I already have and have been inspired to put them into practical use
Received clarity on who and how I want to serve professionally
Designed my business offering
Refined my processes
Discovered a great first client who I adore working with
I’m so excited to continue my business journey with Debbie because I know she will take me to even greater heights beyond my current imagination.

How do you shift from years of ambivalence and fear in your personal and professional life to ever growing success and inspiration?
Kellie was reasonably happy in both her career and marriage yet something felt as if it was missing. This was by no means for lack of trying or striving, quite the opposite, Kellie had always been a high achiever. Even after completing her PhD she continued developing and harnessing her strengths. Like most of the women who find me, she was not at all looking for a coach. However, she stumbled across something I wrote on Facebook and it spoke directly to her. It was about raising the bar in your industry and being known as a heart centred leader and inspirer to those around you. These words ignited what has become a 2.5 year coaching relationship that has changed us both for the better.
Kellie signed up to a bespoke 6month coaching program where we worked on her relationship with every life area. This particular package placed great emphasis on her marriage. It soon became apparent that she was at a crossroads and together we navigated the ending of her marriage in a respectful and kind way to her former husband and their daughter. Kellie was blown away by the profound shifts and has since signed on 4 more times continuously as we moved to reviving her career and created shifts in the way she interacts with her clients, spends time and energy. Ultimately shifting to a values approached where Kellie can serve her clients more deeply while earning more money.
Client Feedback
When I first met Debbie, I felt like some aspects of my life were stagnating, but I didn’t know how to see them clearly and get unstuck. In the time that we have worked together, so many amazing shifts, insights, and a-ha moments have happened!
My private practice was growing slowly and bringing in some income, but I was not connected to a deeper mission and vision. Fear of making a wrong decision, fear of abundance, and fear of moving out of my comfort zone had kept me circling the same block for years:
One of the biggest wins was shifting my mindset to session-focused service to value-focused service – which resulted in my first sale of a six-month program in which I can facilitate a deeper level of healing and begin to ask for what this value is worth financially. I cannot underestimate what a huge shift this has been for me, and it wouldn’t have happened without Debbie’s patience (did she need patience!), honesty, humor, and commitment to helping me get out of my own way.
Another important shift in my practice was fully stepping into my power as an energy psychologist and owning it. As I do that more and more, with Debbie’s support, my work has expanded and taken me in exciting directions I could have never predicted.
My marriage was also stagnating, and I was deeply stuck in a place of ambivalence and fear. Debbie helped me to heal years of resentment in my marriage and view the relationship with loving and curious eyes. I was also able to take an honest look at my role in the relationship and patterns that have shown up in all of my relationships. Through my willingness to open myself up this relationship and my intuitive guidance in a deeper way, I was able to reach a loving decision to end the relationship. With Debbie’s help, we were able to navigate a separation that was cooperative, respectful and held our daughter’s best interests as the top priority.
In this next phase of my life, Debbie and I are working on helping me reconnect to parts of myself as a woman, mother, healer, and business owner. She has also supported me through the grieving process of the end of my marriage. She has a beautiful ability to hold space when needed and to gently push when needed, always keeping our work connected to my goals and vision for my life.
One of the biggest gifts I have received from my work with Debbie is being able to recognise my patterns of self sabotage and self limitation and consciously shift to a place of action and courage. She has earned my trust, respect and awe a million times over and I can’t thank her enough.
Debbie’s honesty, deep intuition, and insight has helped me to transform my business.