The Legacy Self is the part of our self-identity that remains deeply intertwined with the ever-evolving world and our engagements within it. It is a way for us to authentically and gracefully lead with the heart, expressing our unique outlook and passions in everything we do.

Consider this: “When my journey in this world concludes, what do I hope people will remember me for?”

A gentle reminder that as we embark upon self-enquiry, please be sure to meditate, breathe and bring yourself into the space of the heart.

If you are new to meditation or my practice, I invite you to join our Facebook group, Playing Bigger Playing Beautiful and familiarise yourself with my philosophies and style. Once your join request is approved, you will be greeted with a meditation to get you started. Click here to access it.  

The inclusive community we’ve built offers profound enrichment for individuals at all levels of experience, whether they’re experienced practitioners of yoga and meditation or newcomers. We provide continuous support on emotional, mental, and energetic levels, while also creating a space where you can assist those who may be less familiar with meditation, energy work, or spiritual concepts. It’s a vibrant community where you can both give and receive support.

Connecting with The Legacy Self is highly advantageous for those seeking to align their passions, values, happiness and career. This alignment allows us to move past the idea that life lacks purpose and connect with a higher meaning. Recognising The Legacy Self empowers us to understand that we possess a unique gift that only we can offer to the world.

Can you differentiate between the guidance from your rational brain, emotional heart, and intuitive gut? And can you use this insight to connect with your spirituality, make wise choices, learn from the past, break free from unhealthy patterns, and even use that wisdom to grow your business?

Our self-enquiry exercise explores The Legacy Self, examining our response to whatever arises when we contemplate what will remain of us after we pass away.

If you are someone who strives for a clear understanding of your values and purpose, and seeks to live in alignment with them, this will enable you to connect with the concept of a lasting legacy.

Connecting with the concept of a lasting legacy requires you to detach from your daily routines and tap into the core reason for your existence. It encourages you to identify the contribution that you, and you alone, can make to the world. This awareness can help guide your decision making towards meaningful work that will endure long after your lifetime.

Levels of Understanding

If you are familiar with my work, and in particular with my model of emotional self-inquiry The 6 Selves™,  you will know that there are three levels of understanding that inform connections to the self and how it manifests and impacts both your personal and professional life.

Level 1 – Intellect (Mind) – How we comprehend and make sense of the world around us 

Level 2 – Emotion (Body) – How we physically feel the experience

Level 3  – Energetic (Spirit) – How we connect in to something greater than ourselves 

The Legacy Self – Spirit

In this post, we are looking at the Energetic (Spirit) and how this connects to The Legacy Self. The questions I have prepared are repetitive in nature. The reason for this is to help you get to the core of how you approach this concept and reach a deeper level of self-enquiry.

  1. How does my spirit feel when I am connected to my legacy self?
  2. How does my spirit feel when I’m connected to the world around me?
  3. How does my spirit feel when I’m connected to myself in the most emotionally intimate of ways?
  4. How does my spirit feel when I connect with ideas and concepts that light me up? 
  5. How does my spirit feel when I’m connected to people who support my legacy? 
  6. What does the world need that only I can offer? 
  7. What practical steps can I take to move in the direction of my legacy self?

As always, please remember to treat yourself kindly and with empathy, as there are no incorrect feelings in this journey. The purpose of these introspective activities is to encourage a meaningful dialogue between you and your authentic self. With time and dedication, these exercises will become easier.

My next post will introduce The Valued Self at a level one understanding and I look forward to sharing it with you. 

Big Love, 

Deb x 

For more information on how to work with me to go deeper into the benefits of The 6 Selves™ and the outcomes you can achieve when you focus intentionally on these areas visit